It's been awhile since I've been here! I can hear the crickets singing :). I feel like I have way more to say these days than my Facebook friends care to read in their feed, so I'm back to the blog.
September, a month of vegaterian dinners.
Over the summer, good tv is limited. Even more so for me because I don't have cable. I found myself watching a movie about being vegan. It was incredibly convincing and I went to bed that night thinking I was going to give vegan ism the old college try. Well, I changed my mind by morning. But...I can take baby steps.
At the breakfast table, I ask my oldest (7.5yrs wise), "what do you think about becoming vegetarian?". She asked me great questions, like why? I explained what I had learned in the video (minus most of the animal cruelty part). I told her how animals were over produced and had poor quality of life because they are in such high demand for food. I explained the effect on the environement that these meat factorys caused. We talked about the fact that some scientists believe that humans no longer need the amount of protien (or any animal protien) that we may have once needed and that was recently believed. Anyone who knows my Cami, knows that this was a long conversation!
What it came down to: She was concerned about not having her favorite ham and provolone sandwich anymore.
So, what about being vegaterian after 3pm? I asked jokingly. "okay" she replied. "okay?". She was good with this and so this was the plan. My other two kiddos got no say :)
Since I'm a little behind, I'll catch you up on what we've been eating. Definately not glamorous.
-September 1. Veggie delight sandwich from subway. I kinda forgot it was September already and this was a great last minute option for me.
-September 2. Veggie burgers and salad. Easy and not too different for the kids. Went over incredibly well, actually.
-September3. I ate alone tonight. The kiddos were with my parents for dinner. I had a black bean enchilada from the freezer Amy's Kitchen. It was part of the light and lean.line and it was excellent.