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Monday, November 21, 2011

I think I'm a knitter!

 I have, several times over the coarse of my life, attempted to learn knitting.  I always stop before I really even get started.  A couple of weeks ago, I was at a craft show (selling) and a lady a few booths down from me was knitting.  I actually didn't even know if she was knitting or crochetting because I have no idea chochetting looks like, but I didn't recognize what she was doing as knitting, either. So, I asked her.  Turns out it was continetal/european knitting!  I sat with her for a short while and she showed my the jist.  When I got home I jumped on youtube and off I went.
 At first, i was doing well with one row knit, then one row purl, until I started to realize that I was making a tube, not the scarf I was aiming to create.  My sister suggested doing garter stitch (all knit, no purl) and I started over.

It's really a hot mess.  I preferred the stockinette stitch much more, but this garter stitch is growing on me.  You can see that I was all over the place when i started and my tention was wacky, but I've calmed down.
Since this is a practice, i was throwing in some experiemental stuff (you can see a row of k1 p1 in the above picture).  Well, it's experimental for me, anyway.  I kinda want to knit all the time, now.  But, i do have a little business to take care of (you know, kids, house, etsy shop).

Next order of business: replace my 'project bag' with something a little cuter :)

1 comment:

  1. I bet you'll have lots of fun with knitting. I learned to knit as a kid, but I just learned to crochet in September. I can't stop crocheting! So fun to learn something new.
